Good News from Duke’s – 15th March 2024

Bright Futures

This week our year 9 students were introduced to the ‘Bright Futures’ initiative. All members of the year group were treated to a fantastic assembly that highlighted future options and a group of 30 students from the year has been selected to take part in the programme this year. 

The Bright Futures programme, funded by the Aldridge Foundation within the school term

Time is a number of group coaching workshops facilitated by a senior youth worker and other specialist providers. The coaching sessions help to improve communication skills, increase confidence, raise aspirations and help young people begin mapping out their next steps to prepare for the transition to KS4 and life after school. They will also be building a supportive community with their peers.

Students who took part in the workshops this week had an absolutely fantastic time – displaying loads of the Aldridge Attributes such as Team Work and Determination!


Upfront Theatre Company

This week also year 9 and 10 students watched a performance by Upfront Theatre Company. THe performance touched on issues around mental health and self harm with students taking part in a fantastic question and answer session after the performance. The actors were very impressed with our students and their responses to the performance. 


Science Week 

We’ve been celebrating British Science Week this week with assemblies from the Science Department and activities in Tutor Time. The theme of the week was ‘Time’ and this year we marked it with a special interactive assembly as well as launching a ‘growth’ competition in tutor groups – the theme of ‘time’ is highlighted with the seed growth contest! Good luck to all groups taking part!


International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was marked last week with tutor activities as well as a special ‘Women in Careers’ activity that happened throughout the day (this linked IWD up with careers week!). The theme of IWD this year was ‘Inspire Inclusion’ and lots of discussion were held in tutor groups around the subject.

It was also really heartening to see a number of students in school bringing flowers to school to give to female teachers to say thank you! Well done to Romina is year 10 who (amongst others) decided of her own initiative to highlight female teachers as part of International Women’s Day in this way!


Y10 football team  2-1 win against Harris Tottenham!

Some more sporting success now – our year 10s played football against Harris Tottenham at their school this week. Our pupils were able to win 2-1, with our goals scored by Reece in year 10. A fantastic performance so well done all!