Academy Uniform

We are proud of our academy and proud of our students. We want our students to take a pride in themselves and their own appearance. That is why academy uniform is compulsory at Duke’s Aldridge Academy.
Our uniform has been selected to be smart, affordable and practical. All items can be purchased in local high street stores and supermarkets, except for the tie, which can be purchased at the academy.
All students must wear:
  • Black blazer with academy badge*
  • Black jumper with academy logo* (optional)
  • White shirt or blouse (with a collar)
  • Plain black full length trousers or a plain black reasonable length skirt (not a pencil skirt).  Students cannot wear jeans even if they are plain black ones.
  • Socks; plain black or white (tights to be worn with a skirt in skin colour only)
  • Plain black shoes with a sensible heel.  Students are not permitted to wear boots, or black canvas plimsolls at any time and may not wear trainers inside the building except for PE lessons
  • Religious headwear must be plain black or white
  • A black coat is permitted but must not be worn in lessons.  Students are not allowed to wear hooded tops or leather jackets (or leather-look jackets) to the academy at any time
  • School tie – this can only be purchased at the academy for £5.00
All students must have PE Kit
  • White T-shirt with academy logo
  • Black sweatshirt with academy logo
  • Black shorts or jogging bottoms with academy logo
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • Swimming trunks or one piece swimming costume, a swimming hat and bathing towel (black preferred)
  • Girls White t-shirt with PE logo, black tracksuit bottoms with logo, black sweatshirt with logo.
  • Boys White t-shirt with PE logo, black tracksuit bottoms with logo, black sweatshirt with logo.
  • Swimming Kit Black swimsuit or swimming trunks, towel, swimming hat for long hair.
  • Footwear Trainers
  • No Jewellery is to be worn during PE activities
The Academy does have a second hand uniform shop, if parents require help with purchasing uniform, please see your child’s Achievement Coordinator.
*These items can only be purchased from our school uniform supplier – Star Uniforms, 32 Church Road, Tottenham, N17 8AQ –